Meet Arnaud and his SYE MOT1ON Automatic 24 watch

Meet Arnaud and his SYE MOT1ON Automatic 24 watch

Arnaud is a creative guy in his 40s who left photography for a new life in start-ups. Never one to pass up the chance for a cracking photo, he went for the perfect combination of the Whiskey leather Fastback™ strap and the inside of his beautiful German convertible.

Are you more ?

☐ 2 wheels ☒ 4 wheels ☐ All wheels

Arnaud G SYE mot1on Automatic 24 interieur

What would be your dream wheels?

Aston Martin DB 5 (1965).

Aston Martin DB 5 (1965)

©RM Sotheby's

What do you love most about your watch?

Its style so chic but casual at the same time.

In one word, tell us how it feels to wear your watch.


What compliment do you and your watch get most often?

I receive compliments on its design 👍🏻.

Which is your favorite Fastback™ strap?

The Fastback™  Whiskey

Arnaud G and its SYE MOT1ON Automatic 24